"No need for devils"

Films: The Car-Road to Revenge (2019)

Alias: James Caddock, the Lazarus

Type: Mystical

Location: Civilized Area

Height/Weight: That of an average sports car.

Affiliation: Evil

Summary: Back in the 70s, one of the most terrifying things to encounter in the desert massacred the local community. That being a flashy car possessed by a demon. But now, a new kind of jet-black metal monster has risen. Something equally as possessed, and twice as flashy.

History: In the not so distant future, an utterly amoral attorney named James Caddock revels in killing prisoners in increasingly horrific ways, and is just a horrible person in general. Sure, his enemies can be just as cruel, but he's just a bad itch in the already corrupt law system. And as one might guess, his foes take the first opportunity to torture, maim, and kill him by thrusting him onto his prized car, the ironically named Lazarus. But then, the car returns, with no driver. It turns out that Caddock, through either technology or possession, has taken the wheel from beyond the grave, and is going to kill every single person who wronged him, including that woman he sexually harassed.

Notable Kills: He mostly likes his hit-and-runs slow and painful.

Final Fate: After being thoroughly trashed, the car is found by a mechanic (a returning actor from the original film no less), and retrofitted into looking like the very same possessed car from all those years ago. The mechanic is run over in return, and the car goes after that woman, even after getting totaled by explosives. The car is only stopped when the woman rips out what appears to be its power source. She then pushes the infernal machine over the edge of a cliff and into a lake to finish the job. Even after the car's lights go on deep below, it is unlikely that it'll ever rise again...

Powers/Abilities: Can take an INSANE amount of damage.

Weakness: If it's either broken beyond any conceivable movement or its power source is removed, it will not function.

Scariness Factor: 4-Much like its predecessor, this car plays for keeps. It's fast, it's sleek, and even when it looks like the very thing that haunted those with motorphobia in the 70s, it's still its own beast. It may not have that ominous noise as a calling card, but it's a lot more intent on making people suffer than ever before. Also, its possessor was an absolute dick.

Trivia: -The car's name comes from Lazarus of Bethany, a man said to have been revived by Jesus Christ four days after his demise. He is a major figure in the Eastern Orthodox Church.

-The actor that plays the mechanic was Johnny Cox, who was one of the major protagonists of the original 1977 film. How ironic...

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A road paved in not-too demonic activity this time.
Always keep your headlights on.
"Do a nostalgic barrel roll!"
